is a laravel package which created to manage your large laravel app using modules. Module is like a laravel package, it has some views, controllers or models. This package is supported and tested in Laravel 5.
This package is a re-published, re-organised and maintained version of pingpong/modules, which isn't maintained anymore. This package is used in AsgardCMS.
With one big added bonus that the original package didn't have: tests.
Find out why you should use this package in the article: Writing modular applications with laravel-modules.
#Quick Example
Generate your first module using php artisan module:make Blog
. The following structure will be generated.
app/bootstrap/vendor/Modules/ ├── Blog/ ├── Assets/ ├── Config/ ├── Console/ ├── Database/ ├── Migrations/ ├── Seeders/ ├── Entities/ ├── Http/ ├── Controllers/ ├── Middleware/ ├── Requests/ ├── routes.php ├── Providers/ ├── BlogServiceProvider.php ├── Resources/ ├── lang/ ├── views/ ├── Repositories/ ├── Tests/ ├── composer.json ├── module.json ├── start.php
Laravel Package built by Nicolas Widart.
Maintained by David Carr follow on X @dcblogdev