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Registering Module Events

Your module may contain events and event listeners. You can create these classes manually, or with the following helpers:

php artisan module:make-event BlogPostWasUpdated Blog
php artisan module:make-listener NotifyAdminOfNewPost Blog

Once those are create you need to register them in laravel. This can be done in 2 ways:

  • Manually calling $this->app['events']->listen(BlogPostWasUpdated::class, NotifyAdminOfNewPost::class); in your module service provider
  • Or by creating a event service provider for your module which will contain all its events, similar to the EventServiceProvider under the app/ namespace.

Creating an EventServiceProvider

Once you have multiple events, you might find it easier to have all events and their listeners in a dedicated service provider. This is what the EventServiceProvider is for.

Create a new class called for instance EventServiceProvider in the Modules/Blog/Providers folder (Blog being an example name).

This class needs to look like this:


namespace Modules\Blog\Providers;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\EventServiceProvider as ServiceProvider;

class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected $listen = [];

Don't forget to load this service provider, for instance by adding it in the module.json file of your module.

This is now like the regular EventServiceProvider in the app/ namespace. In our example the listen property will look like this:

// ...
class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected $listen = [
        BlogPostWasUpdated::class => [

Laravel Package built by Nicolas Widart.
Maintained by David Carr follow on X @dcblogdev